Silver Set for Rev. J.A. Bryan: The People of Birmingham Show Appreciation of His Long Service
Note: Includes letter of thanks by Bryan “This morning I wish to thank from the depths of my heart, through the I press, the kind friends in the Blrming- ham district and In other sections of our country for many kind remembrances to me personally and to the work to which God has called me. The kind words from lips and letters and other tokens of friendship should I make me very humble and more faith-, ful to Christ and to the cry of humanity, The handsome sliver communion service presented at the close of yesterday mornings service by our friends outside of our membership was a very pleasant surprise to us all and also a great blessing. , “The Lord bless thee and keep thee The Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee i and give thee peace. (Numbers 7,’ 24, , 25, 26 ) Very sincerely, J. A. BRYAN”